Location: Moscow, Russia

Collaboration: Marcin Koltunski

Scale: 17 hectare site, 300 ha study area

Client: national center for contemporary art

country like Russia, transparency is a goal for society. This project can represent that step forward. Instead of being a closed box filled with art, the museum can truly open to the people. It can expose not just the works, but the workings of the museum. Even a passerby can witness the full spectrum processes of the art world. One need not buy a ticket to engage with art.

The building provides a series of windows on each exhibition/event, drawing people into the museum and even forcing those uninterested in art to engage with it. The facade will act as a giant billboard to society.

More than merely a sculpture garden, this active plinth will mix public space, event space, and exhibition space. It acts as an active red carpet to the main entrance, permitting glimpses into the spaces below, giving a sense of anticipation along the approach to the museum.

 Collaboration: MARCIN KOLTUNSKI


  An exposed, transparent art world  In a country like Russia, transparency is a goal for society. This project can represent that step forward. Instead of being a closed box filled with art, the museum can truly open to the people. It can expose not

An exposed, transparent art world
In a country like Russia, transparency is a goal for society. This project can represent that step forward. Instead of being a closed box filled with art, the museum can truly open to the people. It can expose not just the works, but the workings of the museum. Even a passerby can witness the full spectrum processes of the art world. One need not buy a ticket to engage with art.

  Art Ant farm  The building provides a series of windows on each exhibition/event, drawing people into the museum and even forcing those uninterested in art to engage with it. The facade will act as a giant billboard to society.

Art Ant farm
The building provides a series of windows on each exhibition/event, drawing people into the museum and even forcing those uninterested in art to engage with it. The facade will act as a giant billboard to society.

  Layered art and event garden  More than merely a sculpture garden, this active plinth will mix public space, event space, and exhibition space. It acts as an active red carpet to the main entrance, permitting glimpses into the spaces below, giving

Layered art and event garden
More than merely a sculpture garden, this active plinth will mix public space, event space, and exhibition space. It acts as an active red carpet to the main entrance, permitting glimpses into the spaces below, giving a sense of anticipation along the approach to the museum.

  Learning from other spaces  There are many great spaces for art. These are adapted into the building.

Learning from other spaces
There are many great spaces for art. These are adapted into the building.

  Artists’ residency as open studios  Open studio days have become popular in the art world. People can actually stroll through and see the artistic process. The residences here can be the same, with commanding views amongst nature.

Artists’ residency as open studios
Open studio days have become popular in the art world. People can actually stroll through and see the artistic process. The residences here can be the same, with commanding views amongst nature.

  Art literally reflects society  The façade incorporates tilted elements to protect it from direct sun. This simultaneously allows the façade to become a layered series of vignettes into the exhibitions as well as reflections of the people and natur

Art literally reflects society
The façade incorporates tilted elements to protect it from direct sun. This simultaneously allows the façade to become a layered series of vignettes into the exhibitions as well as reflections of the people and nature below. Society, nature and art are mixed on the façade imagery.

  Functional shift | Free floor galleries  Spaces for functional movement are efficient and easy. This allows for the gallery spaces to be open and free flowing, so each exhibition can use the spaces as it needs.

Functional shift | Free floor galleries
Spaces for functional movement are efficient and easy. This allows for the gallery spaces to be open and free flowing, so each exhibition can use the spaces as it needs.

  Master Plan | Urban development

Master Plan | Urban development

  3 branches, 1 center  Each arm of the ‘bent T’ of the runways has its own quality, but all are occupied by pavilions for eating, drinking and socializing.

3 branches, 1 center
Each arm of the ‘bent T’ of the runways has its own quality, but all are occupied by pavilions for eating, drinking and socializing.

  Program mix  The most active spaces [exhibition/public] are prominently displayed, while the collection and service areas are given some privacy, and the resident artists are given a privileged position.

Program mix
The most active spaces [exhibition/public] are prominently displayed, while the collection and service areas are given some privacy, and the resident artists are given a privileged position.

  Functional network   The areas of service and collection are given easy loading access. And a VIP entrance is provided around the north of the building. Multiple access points are provided for pedestrians.

Functional network

The areas of service and collection are given easy loading access. And a VIP entrance is provided around the north of the building. Multiple access points are provided for pedestrians.

  Art with life  Science, history, sport, art and everyday life are overlapping. The area around the museum should not become an arts ghetto. It can reflect the history of aviation of the area, as well as the daily life’s of the Moscow citizen. 

Art with life
Science, history, sport, art and everyday life are overlapping. The area around the museum should not become an arts ghetto. It can reflect the history of aviation of the area, as well as the daily life’s of the Moscow citizen. 

  Flexible event space and Cultured Forest  The existing runways can be kept and inhabited by a myriad of activities. Further, these spaces are ideal for allowing for pop up spaces and hosting large events. The remaining two triangles will become a ‘

Flexible event space and Cultured Forest
The existing runways can be kept and inhabited by a myriad of activities. Further, these spaces are ideal for allowing for pop up spaces and hosting large events. The remaining two triangles will become a ‘cultured forest’, mixing nature with meandering paths and small outdoor rooms for public sculpture and picnics; thus mixing the iconic Russian wilderness with contemporary culture.

  Active all year  Given the Moscow climate the outdoor spaces are programmed for all seasons. The flexible spaces can adapt to house many different events year round.

Active all year
Given the Moscow climate the outdoor spaces are programmed for all seasons. The flexible spaces can adapt to house many different events year round.





  North elevation

North elevation